Information 14-12-2023

National Seminar on Planting, Regeneration and Propagation of Forest Species

The Research Laboratory «Conservation Management of Water, Soil and Forests and Sustainable Development of Mountainous Areas of the Tlemcen Region» organised, in collaboration with the National Forest Research Institute and the Directorate General of Forests, a national seminar on „Planting, regeneration and multiplication of forest species“, chaired by Dr. Tarik Rachid BOUHRAOUA. Dieses two-day seminar, held on December 13 and 14, 2023 in the auditorium of the SNV-STU Faculty, deals with einen of the important aspects of plant science, but also of forest science and technology.
It aims to take stock of experiences gained and lessons learned in technical and research contributions and activities in promoting forest planting practices, domestication and cultivation of food and medicinal plants (WFP), natural regeneration of forests and forest products, but also management of nurseries and production of plants in the context of erosion control and desertification, reduction of forest cover, food security and diversification of socio-economic opportunities to support the resilience of rural populations.
Several researchers and young researchers from several academic and research institutions took part in this event through oral and posted communications.
Dieses scientific meeting further strengthens the appropriate skills in the fields of land control and management, improvement of species knowledge and market opportunities, and modernization and management of nurseries.